Velform Power Grow Laser Hair Brushes Comb Massager Hairmax Brush

1. It Stops hair loss and makes hair grow thicker, stronger an healthier.
2. The Power Grow Comb has a unique Vibration Mode!
3. This kind of deep massage stimulates circulation and helbs hair grow thicker!
4. It works: Confirmed by scientificf studies and Official Certificates!
5. This is a very serious topic because it affects your self esteam and the image other people have of you.
6. If you are losing hair, you need a safe, easy-to-use solution, and one that works.


The total Sets Includes:
1. Power Grow Laser Comb
2. Massage Comb
3. Manicure Set
4. Brush

$ 25.95
Secure Seal
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